Dynamic Choices » Family Wellness

Testimonial from Kirsty Cooper

I am 26 and have been on disability for almost 5 years! I lay in bed in the morning wondering how I was going to muster up enough energy to get out of bed. Everything was a struggle due to severe chronic pain, swelling, no sleep and stomach issues. That was until I was introduced to Margaret and found out that most of my symptoms were related to the things I was eating! After following Margaret’s method, one year later I am free! I have gone from not having the ability or energy to get off the couch to running my own farm. I have now come off all my medication, including the ones that my doctor expected me to be on for the rest of my life! I feel fabulous…. that is until the restaurant makes a mistake and I’m laid up for the rest of the day.

Change is scary, hard work and somewhat inconvenient. However, looking back a year from now, I would have given ANYTHING to be where I am at today! I can even think about starting a family, all because of learning from Margaret the power of a change in diet!

Kirsty Cooper

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