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Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment for Adults
Is the situation you are in causing you to be energized and moving forward or drained, withdrawn, and wanting stay in bed? Have you allowed too many things to crowd your now overflowing plate or are you mindfully removing something each time you add something of a higher priority? Are YOU running your life and your choices or are you running around at the beckon call of others? Stress […]
Read MoreWelcome to my redesigned website and the place to purchase the newly released Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment Tool (EFSAT). This user friendly and comprehensive assessment is the result of over 30 years of work with my own family and hundreds of clients. It is intended to help both individuals and professionals determine whether or not a food sensitivity may be a contributing factor in a wide range of symptoms. […]
Read MoreDIET AND MULTPLE SCLEROSIS – DOES WHAT I EAT REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Sifting through all the information on the Internet about diet and MS can be a confusing exercise! No matter what people promise, you are a unique individual and the best diet for you is the one that you can follow and the one that makes the biggest difference in your specific symptoms. I believe there is a […]
Read MoreWHAT DO I DO NOW - FNDING FOCUS IN THE FOG This is the handout from an all day workshop that I gave on navigating the challenges of life in the midst of a chronic or long term illness. I offer it here for anyone who is interested in working through the steps to help them find some clarity in deciding how to begin to move forward despite their […]
Read MoreWhat Makes You Feel Loved and Appreciated? As a support person for your friend or family member with a serious or chronic illness, do you sometimes wonder how best to help them? Do people tell you often how amazing you are in all that you are doing in your role as caregiver but somehow you still feel unappreciated? Within each of us is an emotional “tank” whose level fluctuates just like […]
Read MoreHave you ever found yourself in a state of despair - a place where you can't see a way forward in your situation and feel you have run out of options? What do you do then? Do you throw up your hands and give up, accepting your situation as hopeless or do you continue to look for a ray of hope somewhere new? What we call despair is often […]
Read MoreThe body contains many specialized cells that allow it to absorb nutrients from the food that we eat without responding to it as a foreign substance. The specialized tissue known as GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) is present throughout the bowel walls and allows the body to differentiate between healthy food and disease causing organisms. If the balance of bacteria in the bowel is upset as a result of a poor […]
Read MoreHow happy are you today? Does your degree of happiness depend on your external circumstances? Do you spend your life on a roller coaster of emotions because you allow the external experiences of your life to determine your attitude? Does your child’s attitude and degree of happiness mirror yours? Henry Cloud has just written a book entitled “The Laws of Happiness”. He quotes research that states that only 10% of […]
Read MoreWednesday, November 14, 2012 I had the pleasure of working with the author of new book that chronicles the courageous journey of one woman and her family with MS. Joy Neufeld began having symptoms in childhood but went undiagnosed for many, many years. She searched for answers in many places and is now sharing her story to inspire others. If you, a friend, or a family member has MS, you […]
Read MoreOne of my favourite things is inspiring stories where people of any age have overcome adversity. The link below is to a podcast that shares the success stories of people who overcame a wide variety of chronic illnesses by switching to a Paleo style of diet. It is a posting on the wonderful website http://scdlifestyle.com/which has loads of resources on grain free diets. http://scdlifestyle.com/2013/02/joe-salama-shares-50-paleo-success-stories-podcast-56/ A Paleo diet emphasizes healthy, organic, grass fed […]
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