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Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment for Adults
If you or your child have challenging symptoms that are negatively impacting your life, what prevents you from changing your diet to see if it would help? What stops you from listening to your wise inner voice that says “Maybe, just maybe, it is all that peanut butter I am eating!” Change is difficult. It is edgy, frustrating, and upsets the status quo and routine of our life. Even if […]
Read MoreFOOD ADDICTION AND AUTISM This section offers a brief summary of the impact that diet may have on the health, learning, and behaviour of children on the autism spectrum. For a more complete explanation as well as strategies to identify the offending food, refer to my book, Could It Really Be Something They Ate - The Life Changing Impact of Addressing Food Sensitivities in Children. Several studies have shown that certain […]
Read MoreKnowledge Review This section offers a brief explanation of the physiology related to food sensitivities. It is important to have a basic understanding of the differences between food allergies and food intolerances as this impacts both the method used for identification of the offending food and the treatment that is undertaken. A more complete explanation of this topic can be found in my book, "Could It Really Be Something They Ate? […]
Read MoreOne of the great things about the internet is the huge number of websites being added all the time! I search often for new resources related to food, diet, food sensitivities, children's health and other related to topics and people often send me links they have found. This website was sent to me by our son and it is amazing. Take time to have a look at the recipes […]
Read MoreFinally!!! A company has developed candies and goodies for kids with a wide range of food sensitivities. They ship throughout the world and even provide treats in a small box suitable to be left in your child's classroom. Check out their wide range of products! I am delighted to spread the word as holidays are often difficult for kids when they can't eat those special treats that others are […]
Read MoreThis morning I printed off my book on the topic of food sensitivities and children! It has been an interesting experience to notice the emotional roller coaster that it has placed me on. There is a huge sense of relief, of gratitude, of adventure and gleeful terror over what might be next as well as more than a few saboteur voices of doubt. This book, like the ones written by […]
Read MoreAre you or someone you love struggling with the symptoms of depression? Have you ever considered that the food you are eating might be a significant part of the cause? I have spent 8 hours today immersed in the physiology of food sensitivities. I was proof reading this section for my book and filling in the gaps in the places where I felt I was lacking information or resources. I […]
Read MoreOne of the arguments and complaints against diet changes in children that I encounter most often is that they are already picky eats and will be undernourished if we remove common foods like dairy products. My answer is always the same: children naturally gravitate to a few, over consumed foods and their diet most often lacks variety. Children with food sensitivities are on a roller coaster ride of addictive […]
Read MoreAre you living your full potential? Are you supporting your kids to do the same? Do you have a dream or a vision that you are actively pursuing? Are you taking the steps you need to maneuver around the obstacles that are getting in your way so you thrive in your life rather than exist? Are you supporting your kids to do the same? As we watched our son cross […]
Read MoreThere is much talk in newspapers and magazines and even on Oprah about the topic of food sensitivities. As people become more aware of the impact and power that the food they eat can have both on their health and their behaviour, they are drawn to wonder if this issue applies them. How do you know if you have a food sensitivity? How on earth did that happen? In our […]
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