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Evans Food Sensitivity Assessment for Adults
How willing are you to let your imperfections and the cracks in your armour show? Are you still caught up in the cycle of “keeping up with the Jones” and portraying a picture perfect image of who you are? Who are you anyway? Who are you underneath all those layers and masks of self protection that life has added to your story? Who do you want to be? Who are you meant to be?
I just listened to one of my favourite songs sung by Winona Judd. She shares the story of her mom’s encouragement for her to allow the world to see her cracks of imperfection because that is how the light gets out. Winona shares that she knows she is a child of God and no longer needs to strive and search for the love and approval of others. She knows who she is, cracks, mistakes, disappointments, broken relationships and all. They are all part of the tapestry of her life and what make her who she is.
Brene Brown also speaks of the same topic in her book “The Gifts of Imperfection”. She speaks of our need for courage, compassion, and connection to allow us to deal with the places in life where we feel we are less than enough.
For all of us, no matter what our life circumstance, there are always places were we hide who are, what we need, what we don’t want from others in order to feel we belong. What if you stopped trying to fit in with others and spent your energy fitting in with yourself? What if you allowed the unconditional and unending grace of God to be the place you rested rather than in the judgments of others.
Here is the link for Winona’s song. As you listen, think about the places in your life where, if you allowed your own beautiful light to shine through the cracks, people would see something wonderful. Remember, also, that it is through those same cracks that love gets in.
Wynonna Judd Becomes Emotional As She Sings ‘I Can Only Imagine’ from theremix on GodTube.